Our Passion for the natural open spaces, along with our childhood memories of the Palos Verdes Peninsula, have motivated us to formally organize and capture the beauty of the remaining undeveloped land through our art as a record for future generations. We want to stimulate community involvement in land conservation as well as address the value of beauty in our lives, while maintaining the classical traditions and heritage that have made the Peninsula unique.

The Portuguese Bend Artist Colony was formed in 1998 and includes artists Stephen Mirich, Daniel Pinkham, Vicki Pinkham, Amy Sidrane, Kevin Prince, Thomas Redfield, and Richard Humphrey. The formation of the group was a natural evolution of a group of artists who have painted together for several years and who share a common interest in the preservation of the Portuguese Bend area. Their first group exhibition was held in 1997, a year before they formally organized and it’s purpose was to raise community awareness and funds for the Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy. Since then, their annual exhibition continues to grow in popularity attracting approximately 1000 attendees each year.